Apply Beautiful Hugo
Below are the components of a blogging environment with Hugo + GitLab Pages. The goal here is to change the theme body in the GitLab Hugo theme/content repository to Beautiful Hugo, replace the theme settings/content with the Beautiful Hugo sample, change the CI/CD settings for Beautiful Hugo, and build/publish the sample site.
This explanation assumes that you have a server environment with GitLab Pages/Hugo templates and a development client environment with Visual Studio Code.
Application method
Modify theme body, theme settings/contents in Visual Studio Code
Delete all Hugo repository assets managed by Visual Studio Code except for
.Open BeautifulHugo’s project in your browser, download all files and copy them to the
of your Hugo repository assets managed by Visual Studio Code. in your Hugo repository assets managed by Visual Studio Code.Hugo repository assets ├ content ← copy the download(/exampleSite) ├ layouts ← copy the download(/exampleSite) ├ static ← copy the download(/exampleSite) ├ hugo.toml ← copy the download(/exampleSite) ├ go.mod ← copy the download └ .gitlab-ci.yml
in Visual Studio Code and changebaseurl
to root URL of the sample site, comment outtheme = “beautifulhugo”
and uncommenttheme = ""
in Visual Studio Code and add-example
at the end of themodule
Change CI/CD settings in Visual Studio Code to match the theme
in the Hugo repository assets managed by Visual Studio Code.Open .gitlab-ci.yml for GitLab Pages/Hugo template in your browser, download it, and copy it to the
of the Hugo repository assets you manage in Visual Studio Code.Open
in Visual Studio Code, changeimage
and changeTHEME_URL
to BeautifulHugo.... image: hugomods/hugo:std ← change (hugo:exts is also acceptable) variables: HUGO_ENV: production THEME_URL: "" ← change default: before_script: - hugo mod get -u $THEME_URL ...
Upload changes made in Visual Studio Code to GitLab
Upload the modified assets to GitLab using Visual Studio Code in your browser.