
Here is an overview of some of the Hugo themes that I personally like, and how to apply them to a blogging environment with Hugo + GitLab Pages.
Blogging environment with Hugo + GitLab Pages : Hugo theme/content repository position
Blogging environment with Hugo + GitLab Pages : Hugo theme/content repository position

"Beautiful Hugo" is a simple and clean theme for miscellaneous blogs

The following are the features of Hugo’s “Beautiful Hugo” theme.

Apply Beautiful Hugo

Learn how to apply the Hugo’s “Beautiful Hugo” theme.

”Docsy” is a formal theme for technical documentation

The following are the features of Hugo’s “Docsy” theme.

Apply Docsy

Learn how to apply the Hugo’s “Docsy” theme.

"Universal" is a clean and stylish theme for corporate websites

The following are the features of Hugo’s “Universal” theme.

Apply Universal

Learn how to apply the Hugo’s “Universal” theme.